Istilah yang di pakai para chatter, forumer, gamer dan -mer -mer -mer lainnya ^o^

[ B ]
BBL : Be Back Later
BBS : Be Back Soon
BF : Breast Feed
BFF : Best Friend Forever
b/c : BeCause
BRB : Be Right Back
BTDT : Been There, Done That
BTW : By The Way

CIO : Cry It Out (Ferber-izing)
CMIIW : Correct Me If Im Wrong

DC : Dear Child
DD : Dear Daughter
DF : Dear Fiance
DH : Dear Husband (or other words starting with H)
DS : Dear Son
DSD/DSS : Dear Step Daughter/Son
DW : Dear Wife

FIL : Father In Law
FT : Full Time
FTM : Full Time Mom, substituted with SAHM stay at home mom
FWIW : For What It's Worth
FYI : For Your Information

GG : Good Game (nice job-god)

HTH : Hope That Helps

IDK : I Don't Know
IMO : In My Opinion
IMHO : In My Humble Opinion
IRL : In Real Life

j/k : Just Kidding

KWIM : Know What I Mean

LO : Little One
LOL : Laugh Out Loud, Lot Of Laugh

m/c : MisCarriage
MIL : Mother In Law

OMG : Oh My Gosh/Goodness/etc.
OP : Original Poster
OT : Off Topic
OTOH : On The Other Hand

PG : PreGnant
PITA : Pain In The As*
POAS or POS : Pee On A Stick (fertility test)
PP : Previous Poster
PPD : PostPartum Depression, PPD/A anxiety

ROFL : Rolling On Floor Laughing

SAHD : Stay At Home Dad
SAHM : Stay At Home Mom
SD : "Sperm Donor"
SIL : Sister In Law

TCOYF : Taking Charge Of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler
TFS : Thanks For Sharing
TIA : Thanks In Advance
TMI : Too Much Information
TTC : Trying To Conceive
TTFN : Ta Ta For Now
TTYL : Talk To You Later
TTYS : Talk To You Soon

WAHM : Work At Home Mom
w/o : WithOut
WOHM : Work Outside Home Mom
WTH : What The Heck, What The Hell
WTF : What The F*ck
WWYD : What Would You Do?

Sumber + info lebih lengkapnya >>

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