Dropan Momon TS2/12SKY2

Normal monsters that all factions have
Lvl 1 : Goblin (Kobold) -
Fortune Pouch; Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%); Purple Jade

Lvl 4 : Dragon Priest (Draconic Cultist) -
Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Fortune Pouch; Purple Jade; Black Steel (9%)

Lvl 8 : Tree Gibbon (Great White Ape) -
Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Tin (3%), Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%); Purple Jade; Red Jade; Fortune Pouch; Book of Clear Fog

Lvl 9 : Killer Fish (Dragon Fish) -
Level 1 pet (Cabochon Relic); Purple Jade

Lvl 9 : Grassland Bandit (Brigand)

Lvl 13 : Skeleton Priest (Disloyal Maiden) -
Fortune Pouch

Lvl 15 : Farseer Mistress (Necromantic Monk) -
Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp)

Lvl 16 : Goblin Warrior (Goblinkin Soldier) -
Level 1 pet; Purple Jade

Lvl 19 : The Exiled (Exiled Vagabond)

Lvl 22 : Phantom Assassin (Mercenary) - Tin (3%)

Lvl 25 : Shadow General (Gergantuan Guardian) -
Steel of Eternity (12%), Black Steel (9%), Dark Steel (6%), Tin (3%); Level 1 pet

Lvl 25 : Sandman
(Desert Dweller) - Level 1 pet; Black Steel (9%); Lucky Ticket; Purple Jade; Red Jade; Fortune Pouch; God Temple Key

Lvl 28 : Masked Fighter(Masked Warrior inside cave) -
Level 1 pet (Feng Demon); Black Steel (9%); God Temple Key; Book of Amnesia; Purple Jade; Godsend Lucky Ticket; 4th and 5th

Lvl 31: Waterman (Errant Toad) -
Level 1 pet (Imperial Moth); Purple Jade; Book of Amnesia

Lvl 34: Gearsmith Golems
(War Golem) - Level1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Level 1 pet (Imperial Moth); Fortune Pouch; Purple Jade; Red Jade; Tin (3%), Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%); Book of Amnesia; 4th and 5th

Lvl 35: War Specter (Ghost of Azreal) -
Tin (3%), Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%); Fortune Pouch

Lvl 37: Noface Fighter
(Faceless Ghost)

Lvl 40: Dead Lord (Dreadlord) -
Level 1 pet (Imperial Moth); Level 45 rares; Red Jade; Dark Steel (6%); Fortune Pouch; Adrenaline Formation; 4th and 5th; Godsend Lucky Ticket

Lvl 43: Shadow Bladesman
(Stalking Bladesman) - Level1 pet (Imperial Moth); Book of Amnesia; Steel of Eternity (12%)

Lvl 45: Red Cleric (Crimson Mage) -
All lvl 45 rares; Guardian formation; Steel of Eternity (12%)

Lvl 46: Freakshow
(Grotesque Hou) "called Dumb Giant inside cave" - Level 1 pet (Cabochon Relic); Level 45 rares; Adrenaline Formation; 4th and 5th

Lvl 49: Tower Lifter (Servent of the Bells)

Lvl 52: Elite Goblin Fighter (Goblinkin Elite) -
Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Level 55 rares; Book of Amnesia; Purple Jade, Red Jade; Fortune Pouch; Lucky Ticket; Book of Clear Fog; (3%), Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%); God Temple Key

Lvl 52: Sonic Witch (Flute Maiden)

Lvl 55: Lady guard
(Rose Asassins) - Level 1 pet (Feng Demon); Level 1 pet (Imperial Moth); Level 1 pet (Cabochon Relic); Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Level55 rares; Book of Amnesia; Book of Clear Fog; Red Jade; Fortune Pouch; Purple Jade; God Temple Key; Dark Steel (6%), Steel of Eternity (12%), Goldo f Eternity (15%); Lucky Ticket; Heavenly Shield; Heaven's Blow; Adrenaline Formation; Garuda’s Prayer; Comatose Formation; 6th and 7th

Lvl 55: Boar Master
(King Kaiser) - Level55 rares | Inspirational Strike

Lvl 58: Double Dealer (
Gemini Fist Monk)

Lvl 61: Hunchback (
Sightless Fiend) – Level 65 rares; Tin (3%), Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%)

Lvl 64: Claw Corpse (
Clawed Arm Mutant) - Tin (3%), Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%); Fortune Pouch

Lvl 65: Shadow Ranger -
Level 65 rares; Garuda’s Prayer; 7th Light Blade

Lvl 67: Wind Executioner (
Twin Sword Executioner) - Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp)

Lvl 70: Mutant Zepi (
One Armed Traitor) – Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Level65-75 rares; Fortune Pouch; Tin (3%), Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%); Purple Jade; Lucky Ticket; God Temple Key; Guardian Formation; Heavenly Shield; Heaven’s Blow; Garuda's Prayer; 6th Katana; 7th Lute; Flash Formation

Lvl 73: Smoker (
Smog Bellower)

Lvl 73: Ice Mistress (
Frozen Maiden) – Tin (3%), Dark Steel (6%); Fortune Pouch; 6th Scepter

Lvl 75: Hermit Crab (
Travelling Sanctuary) – Level 75 rares; Purple Jade

Lvl 76: Sightless Chele (
Blind Swordmaiden) – Level 75 rares; Book of Clear Fog; Fortune Pouch; Heaven’s Shield; Heaven’s Blow; Comatose Formation; 6th Long Spear; 6th Marble; 7th Double Blades; 7th Lute

Lvl 79: Forbidden Escort (
Unholy Escort) - Garuda's Prayer; 7th Ligot Blade; 7th Scepter

Lvl 82: Prisoner (
Bound Kickmistress) – Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Level 85 rares; Fortune Pouch; Purple Jade; Red Jade; Lucky Ticket; Tin (3%), Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%); Book of Amnesia; Book of Clear Fog; God Temple Key

Lvl 85: Snap Commander (
Armored Mercenary) – Heaven’s Blow; Tin (3%), Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%)

Lvl 85: Spook
(Reaver) – Heaven’s Blow; 6th Katana

Lvl 88: Forbidden Escort Leader (
Unholy Escort Leader) – Heaven’s Blow; 6th Sword

Lvl 91: Bone Ranger (
Soul Reaper) – Level 95 rares; Fortune Pouch; Tin (3%), Dark Steel (6%); Heaven’s Blow

Lvl 94: Cry-Rize (
Hawthorn Vulture) - Level 1 pet (Imperial Moth); Level 95 rares

Lvl 95: Flesh Glutton (
Omni Raptor) – Level 95 rares; Heaven’s Shield

Lvl 97: Dark Minion (
Spirit Drinker) – Level 95 rares; Garuda’s Prayer

Lvl 100: Ademus (Hell
Devourer) – Level 1 pet (Feng Demon); Level 1 pet (Cabochon Relic); Level 105 rares; Level 100 elites; Heaven’s Blow; Heaven’s Shield; Guardian Formation; Comatose Formation; Garuda's Prayer; 6th Long Spear; 7th Marble

Lvl 103: Power Pusher (
Vicious Mauler) - Level 1 pet; Master level 1 pet (Turtalias Shell); Master level 1 pet (Jade Kirin); Level 105 rares; Lucky Ticket; Fortune Pouch; Heaven’s Shield

Lvl 105: Yoonshi Warrior (
Mythical Gatekeeper) – Level 105 rares; Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%); Fortune Pouch; 6th Light Blade

Lvl 106: Dead Master (
Reanimated Master) – Level 1 pet (Feng Demon); Level 105 rares; Master level 2 rares; Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%); Fortune Pouch; Heaven’s Shield; Heaven’s Blow; Guardian Formation; Garuda's Prayer; 6th Scepter; Godsend Lucky Ticket

Lvl 109: Crimson Sonic Witch (
Red Flute Maiden) – Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Tin (3%)

Lvl 109: Bullgogi -
Level 1 pet (Cabochon Relic); Master level 1 pet (Jade Kirin; Master level 2 rares; Level 110 elites; Fortune Pouch; Purple Jade; Garuda's Prayer; Heaven’s Shield; Heaven’s Blow

Lvl 112: Serpentine (
Serpent Knight) – Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Level 1 pet (Imperial Moth); Level 1 pet (Feng Demon); Master level 1 pet (Turtalias Shell); Master level 15 pet (Grace Falchion; Master level 2-5-8 rares; Master level 3 elites; Tin (3%), Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%); Purple Jade; Fortune Pouch; God Temple Key

Lvl 115: Old Mucker (
Tireless Berzerker) - Master level 1 pet (Turtalias Shell); Master level 1 pet (Bainfu Bat); Master level 2-5-8 rares; Master level 3 elites; Fortune Pouch; Purple Jade; Red Jade; Guardian Formation; Heaven’s Shield; Garuda's Prayer | 6th Long Spear; 7th Blade; 6th Marble; 7th Marble; 6th Katana; 7th Katana

Lvl 118: Demonie Harvester – Level 1 pet (Imperial Moth); Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Level 1 pet (Feng Demon); Level 1 pet (Cabochon Relic); Master level 1 pet (Jade Kirin); Master level 1 pet (Turtalias Shell); Master level 5-8-11-14 rares; Master level 6-9 elite; Black Steel (9%), Steel of Eternity (12%); God Temple Key; Fortune Pouch; Red Jade; Comatose Formation; 7th Sword; 7th Blade; 7th Double Blades; 6th Lute; 6th Katana; 7th Lute

Lvl 121: Zahar Locksmith – Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Master level 1 pet (Turtalias Shell); Master level 1 pet (Jade Kirin); Master level 15 pet (Iwang Dragon); Master level 8-14 rares; Master level 12 elites; Heaven’s Blow; Garuda’s Prayer; Heaven’s Shield

Lvl 124: Totemic Nomad – Level 1 pet (Vespida Wasp); Master level 15 pet (Geier Vulture); Master level 1 pet (Lamillar Owl); Master level 14-17 rares; Purple Jade; Dark Steel (6%), Black Steel (9%)

Lvl 133: Thunder Giant - Master level 23-26 rares

Lvl 136: Desert Drake - Master level 26-29 rare; Master level 27 elites; Red Jade; Purple Jade; Fortune Pouch; Book of Amnestia; Book of Clear Fog; 7th Sword

Lvl 142: Goblinkin Captain - Master level 14 rares; Fortune Pouch; Heaven’s Blow

nb : Nama momon-nya berbeda dengan momon yang ada di 12sky2 Indonesia.. So, samain aja momon-nya dengan gambar yang ada di atas ^o^

Sumber : http://www.aeriagames.com/forums/en/viewtopic.php?t=783239

Maher Zain - Palestine Will Be Free

IT Fest 2011 di FT UI

Jakarta, CHIP.co.id - Pembukaan IT FEST 2011 yang digagas oleh kelompok IT Media di KOMPAS Gramedia Majalah dilangsungkan pada 26 Juli 2011 bertempat di kampus Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Acara kali ini didukung sepenuhnya oleh CCIT-FTUI dan mengusung visi menjadi penyelenggara pelatihan dan pendidikan profesional di bidang IT.

"Perkembangan dunia IT di Indonesia sudah sangat pesat. Untuk itulah kami mendukung penyelenggaraan kegiatan IT Festival 2011 kali ini agar masyarakat Indonesia semakin tahu pengetahuan dunia IT yang sangat luas," tutur Dr.Dedi Priadi, DEA selaku Wakil Dekan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, saat ditemui tim CHIP.co.id di pembukaan IT Festival 2011 (26/7).

Bertempat di Auditorium Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, IT Festival 2011 kali ini diselenggarakan dengan serangkaian acara seperti bazaar IT, seminar dan workshop pengetahuan seputar dunia IT, sampai dengan game competition 'DOTA' yang menyuguhkan beragam hadiah menarik.

Sumber : http://chip.co.id/news/read/2011/07/26/992424/Pembukaan.IT.Fest.2011.di.FT.UI